Sunday, August 29, 2010

They're Baa-ack!

...Grace's cheeks, that is.

It's so good to see those chubby cheeks again! We've been home a little over a week, and she already appears to be putting some weight back on. We will get the official word on Tuesday, when we go into the pediatrician for her weight check. We have done away with the syringe, and Grace has been drinking from a bottle consistently for the last several days. She has 6 feedings per day and has met her 34-36 ounce goal or come very close to it most days. We still have many feeding issues to work through, though. I have offered her some solids this week (rice cereal/bananas), and she has had very little interest in eating them. Calorie-wise, she's doing fine, but she definitely needs to get back on board with solids at some point! Yesterday evening, I gave her some Gerber Puffs (basically cereal that dissolves really quickly), and she ate several of them and seemed to really enjoy them. However, late last night, she threw up in her bed and has been very fussy about eating today (and has not come close to meeting her goal.) This has me a little nervous and, of course, feeling mad at myself for feeding her something that made her sick! I don't know exactly what this tells us, but at the very least, it tells us that she is not completely well. Please pray that this will be a very short-lived problem and that the desire to drink her formula will return!!! (Like, tonight!)

So Happy Together

It's good to have the whole gang back together again! With the exception of Grace's feeding needs, life has pretty much returned to normal around here. Here's a little taste of how our first week back at home went...

With some milder temperatures, we took multiple trips to the park.

The boys rediscovered some of their favorite toys/pastimes. (I should have included a picture of trains here, because they have spent hours, and I do mean hours, playing with their trains since returning home!)

Not only have the boys rediscovered their toys, but Grace is discovering them more and more now that she is back to learning how to crawl. (And, Owen has also discovered one of Grace's toys -- her pretty learning purse.)

And, of course, there has been a lot of book reading.

I am so thankful that Grace is back to being a baby sister and that Knox and Owen are back to being her big brothers!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

It's good to be home again, doing normal things, like playing with trains and in the sandbox and going to the park! One of these days, I might get around to writing some really thoughtful post about our whole ordeal. Justin and I have had some really great "debriefing" conversations, and I feel like the Lord has changed me a lot, for the better, through this experience. But, I won't go into it now (maybe never), because it would take a lot of thought for me to get it all out in writing.

Things are going well at home. Grace is taking in more and more formula every day, and she has almost met her 34-36 ounce goal (just a half ounce short.) She is also taking in more with the bottle, and we have pretty much eliminated the syringe. That is a good thing! Hopefully, she will get back to her 4-feeding-per-day schedule soon. She will continue to have a weight check once a week at the pediatrician's office, and we will probably see a nutritionist sometime soon to make sure her dietary needs are being monitored and adjusted as she grows.

Life at home is a little crazy. But, then again, it is always a little crazy around here. We really are getting back into our routine slowly but surely, and everyone is sleeping great! (Thank you for praying for that!) Say a little extra prayer for sweet Owen -- this whole experience combined with the terrible twos has rocked him a little more than everyone else.

Thanks, again, for praying for us! It is so good to be home!

Twitter Feed

SO GOOD to be back at church this morning after 4 weeks away!! Wonderful for people to see the healthy baby girl they've been praying for. Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:20:41 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Grace just drank 6.5oz of formula I'm her sleep! Just a half oz shy of her 34oz goal today. Improving day by day. So relieved and thankful! Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:27:53 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Feeling a little overwhelmed today. Managing Grace's (still insufficient) calorie intake on top of our everyday crazy life is hard. Saturday, August 21, 2010 3:56:20 PM via web

Not gonna lie, bedtime was a little crazy. Hard to pull the boys away from their long-lost toys. They are glad to be home. Friday, August 20, 2010 10:59:53 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Knox: "Oh! I really missed my Thomas! ...I really missed my combine! ...I really missed my truck! ...I really missed these pajamas!" etc. Friday, August 20, 2010 10:58:21 PM via Twitter for iPhone

HOME! Except for having to leave the McDonald's playground, it was a perfectly happy trip :) So happy. Friday, August 20, 2010 8:45:48 PM via txt

Last update from the hospital Friday, August 20, 2010 11:12:51 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 25

Align Center
Today is our 25th day in the hospital (our 30th away from home), and we are finally going home! There is so much I feel like I should say, but I don't know what to say, so I'll say this:
Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying for our family during this ordeal! Our time here would have been far less bearable without your prayers. We are so thankful for so many dear friends and family who love and care for us so much!

Please continue to pray for us as we make the transition back home...
  • Pray for our travel today, as we will be traveling with all three of our children, which is never an easy task!
  • Pray for our boys, as they get used to living under Mommy's and Daddy's rules again, and as they will, I'm sure, miss such regular interaction with Grandaddy and GG. And, pray in general, for a smooth transition back into our regular schedules. (Especially sleeping schedules!!)
  • Pray for my parents, as they transition back into their life without daily interaction with the grandkids.
  • Pray for Justin, as he will hit the ground running with RUF stuff. We are fortunate that UTM doesn't start until the 30th, but he has missed an entire month of planning and preparing for the beginning of the school year, which is always his busiest (and most exciting) time of the year.
  • Pray that Grace will continue to thrive. She is still not quite up to her full caloric needs. Her goal is 34-36 ounces per day, and she did just a little over 30 yesterday. She is almost there! The great news is that she has started taking in more with the bottle and less with the syringe. If we can get her to take in the full amount that she needs, then we'll be able to eliminate the syringe/force-feeding altogether.
I'm sure there will be more to report, once we get home, though I don't know if I'll have the time or energy for it! For now, a few more pictures...
Our construction-front view that we've had for the last week and a half. Actually pretty entertaining to watch all that goes on during the day -- cranes, welding, men hanging from the sides of the building, cement mixers. Can you tell we have a 3-year-old boy?
Last weigh-in on the hospital scales. This is actually post-weigh-in, with diaper on, thumb in mouth, and lovey in hand...the thumb and lovey have gotten her through a lot of hard days!
Align Center
Our TEAM (after almost 30 hours at the hospital): Residents, Drs. Stewart and Jeter, Med students Kavida, Yawar, and Daniel, and Attending Dr. Britt. These people have seen us at our best and worst. They have woken us up on many mornings. They have taken great care of Grace, and we are thankful for them!

We love Miss Kecia!

And, Ms. Judy!

We are so thankful for the staff at Children's Hospital!

Twitter Feed

Insurance is going to cover the formula! PRAISE THE LORD! It would have cost us $600 to $700 a month!! Thanks for praying for that! Friday, August 20, 2010 10:45:31 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Better get as much sleep as I can tonight on this cot because tomorrow it's back to parenting three kids -- and on a road-trip, no less! Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:32:41 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Bags are packed. Grace's iv went bad tonight so they stopped her antibiotics and took it out. She is unhooked and ready to go! Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:30:46 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Five ounces FROM THE BOTTLE tonight! Excuse me while I go pack our bags. Thursday, August 19, 2010 7:30:59 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Found out today that Grace's new formula is EXPENSIVE. SERIOUSLY EXPENSIVE. Calling insurance co. Please pray that they'll help cover it! Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:44:02 PM via web

The nutritionist stopped by and was shocked with Grace's progress. Monday, thought we'd be going home with an NG tube. When people pray... Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:14:02 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Last night's blog post Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:57:29 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Grace just drank 4oz of formula from a bottle! Maybe we won't have to feed her with a syringe forever! 6oz total this AM. Still on track! Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:53:43 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Only two more nights on my hospital trundle cot. Oh, how I have missed my bed!! Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:15:38 AM via Twitter for iPhone

And, the grand total is...drum-roll please...30 ounces!! Looks like cutting off the TPN made her hungry! Antibiotics till Friday, then home! Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:45:04 PM via web

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Won't be long now...

Lots have people must have been praying for us (I know they are!)...since I last posted on Monday, which was a somewhat disappointing day, we have had two really good days. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! If you have been following my tweets, then you know that we finally found a formula that Grace is willing to drink. After trying a couple of different kinds on Monday, I was beginning to worry that she might have to go home on an NG tube, and/or that she might have more serious issues that we were going to have to deal with. It was a really hard day. But, around 9 PM, we asked our nurse to bring back the original formula (which seemed to be slightly less repulsive to Grace than the second), and she brought us the vanilla version, which we didn't even know had been ordered. It smells like cake batter, and, really, who doesn't like cake batter?! Grace does! Thank the Lord for vanilla EleCare! On Monday, Grace took in 10 1/2 ounces of formula, Tuesday 20 1/2, and today 30! Her goal is 34-36 ounces per day, and she is almost there! (She is still using the syringe/thumb method, but we're going to go with that for now! Whatever it takes.)
(Typical response to the bottle.)

(Sticky formula doubles as a styling product.)
Since Monday, they have been dialing down the TPN, which has been making her more hungry, I think. Today, they turned it off completely and removed her PICC line. No more sticky adhesive all over her neck, and now we can move more than two feet away from her IV pole. So glad those lines are gone!

If it wasn't for that pesky staph that showed up in one out of two cultures, we might be out of here already (or, at least, tomorrow.) The doctor is not overly concerned but wanted to pull the PICC line and continue to treat with antibiotics through an IV for a couple more days for good measure. (The staph can grow on the plastic in the PICC line, which is why they removed it and want to treat with antibiotics while it's out.)

Grace is a new baby! She honestly seems happier and healthier now than she did before she got sick. She is smiling and laughing all the time, even at strangers. I was worried that this whole experience might make her afraid of all strangers, but I actually think that the opposite may have taken place. I think she's going to miss all the people who come to see her everyday! And, let me tell you, a lot of people come to see her. Doctors, med students, nurses, occupational therapist, nutritionist, friends, is busy in here, 24 hours a day!
(A visit with Granny)
(One of our sweet nurses, Miss Shelley)

Barring any unforseen obstacles, we should be headed home Friday. Pray, pray, pray that nothing will keep us here any longer!

Twitter Feed

Woohoo! Just had 6oz, that's 12oz before noon! TPN is off, removing PICC later. Will need IV to finish antibiotic. Still thinking Friday. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:41:29 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Already up to 6oz this am. Took 2 from a bottle but then back to thumb/syringe method. Messy! Hoping she'll take more than 3oz/feed today. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 7:25:45 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Cut TPN back more this afternoon, will probably cut completely in AM. Up to 18.5 oz today, hoping to get 3 more. Hoping 2 go home Friday. Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:10:23 PM via Twitter for iPhone

Had a little getaway to Target. I really do love that place. Even ran into a friend. Grace has had 12 oz today, hoping for @ least 9 more. Tuesday, August 17, 2010 4:37:26 PM via web

New formula is vanilla and smells like cake batter. Took 6 ounces this morning! Needs 36 ounces in a day...that's going to take some work Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:46:00 AM via web

Good news! Tried a THIRD formula and liked it! Never could do a cartwheel, but if I could, I would! #fb Monday, August 16, 2010 9:56:07 PM via txt

Bright side: sweet friends brought Zoe's for dinner, my fave! ...chicken roll-ups and deeee-licious chocolate cake made me feel better. #fb Monday, August 16, 2010 7:29:29 PM via web

Second try with "better formula" was not a hit :(. Trying the old stuff again... #fb Monday, August 16, 2010 7:25:58 PM via web

Pray for Grace: Wishing and Hoping Monday, August 16, 2010 5:57:56 PM via web

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wishing and Hoping

Today started off great -- Grace slept for 8 straight hours last night in her crib and then woke up and drank 4 ounces of formula without too much of a fight. We were so excited and hoping that the doctors would decide to cut the TPN completely today, which would get us that much closer to going home.

But, things don't always go as we hope...

When the doctors (finally) rounded after 11 AM, they were encouraged by her progress but not ready to cut TPN altogether. For one, cutting TPN too quickly can apparently have an affect on one's blood sugar, since there is a good amount of dextrose in the mix, which is why they wean people off of it slowly. The second reason that they're not ready to cut TPN is because Grace has not been taking in enough calories yet for them to feel confident that she'll continue to thrive without it. The ultimate goal, set by her nutritionist, is that she would take in 36 ounces of formula a day...yesterday, she took in 10 1/2, and it was a struggle to get her to take in that much.

So, we were a bit disheartened, to say the least, that it doesn't look like we'll be going home tomorrow (Justin was actually hoping for today.) Our doctor is very much on our side. He doesn't want us to be here longer than what is necessary. But, what may be necessary is longer than what we were hoping for. A lot of our doctor's decisions are based on recommendations from nutrition, and although he would like for things to move more quickly, he trusts their expertise in this area. We asked if the nutritionist could come talk to us directly, which she did, and she gave us a lot of helpful information to fill in the gaps that Grace's doctor couldn't.

The main issue now is this: FEEDING. In order to be weaned off TPN, Grace has to take in a certain number of calories every day by mouth. As I already mentioned, so far, she is not doing enough!

Before Grace got sick, she was breastfed. Though I've tried, she has never been willing to take a bottle, and I've never really had the need or the time to force the issue. This whole hospital experienced has forced me to wean her for two reasons: 1) With an already low milk-supply, my body could not keep up given the added stress, sleep deprivation, and poor eating. 2) Her weight gain (or lack thereof) since her six-month well check indicated that she was probably not getting enough calories from breastfeeding (plus cereal/fruits/veggies) to help her sustain a healthy weight for her age. That, combined with all the weight she lost from being sick, has made formula a necessity anyway.

So, Grace has this extra hurdle to get over -- learning to drink formula. And, that's actually two hurdles: learning to drink from a bottle/cup AND learning to like formula. And, that is our problem today. The nutritionist actually changed from one stinky formula to another formula (I think they are all stinky!) The new formula is still a more easily digested formula but supposedly tastes more like other regular baby formulas. I was excited to try the new kind (Alimentum --still very stinky) and really, really hoping she would take to it, but her reaction was actually worse than with the first formula. SO, SO, SO frustrating!! Granted, she's only tried it once, and we'll try again when she wakes up, but this seems to be the problem that might keep us here longer. And, there's really no simple solution, given that Grace is only 9 months and can't tell us herself what the problem is. It might not be the taste at all. Could be the texture, could be that it bothers her tummy. Could be...who knows? But, until we get something figured out, we are not making a lot of progress here. Please pray that we'll get these feeding issues worked out soon!

In short, what needs to happen: Grace needs to take in more calories by mouth, wean off the TPN, and continue to gain weight. (She needs to gain around 2 pounds to be in the 5th percentile for her age.) And, of course, we need to go home!

P.S. I forgot to mention anywhere in this post or previously that, since she started drinking formula on Saturday afternoon, she has been a new baby! Really back to her old self, playing, laughing, smiling all the time. It has been SO encouraging. But, I think that's also what makes this hard -- she looks healthy now, but she's still not ready to go home. However, I'll take this over our extremely sick, lethargic, malnourished baby from the last two weeks any day!!

Twitter Feed

Docs want to move slower than we do. Boo! Cutting TPN down, not off. They want her to drink more formula @ each feed. Frustrating. #fb Monday, August 16, 2010 12:05:43 PM via web

Baby slept all night in her crib and drank 4 ounces of formula this morning! Hoping they'll cut the TPN off today and send us home soon! #fb Monday, August 16, 2010 9:39:38 AM via web

So glad to have my baby back!! Happy and smiling all day EXCEPT during feeding. Needs to drink more. Needs less stinky formula! #fb Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:19:20 PM via web

Missing Grace Community Church and our sweet church family today...I reeeeally hope we are back next week!! #fb Sunday, August 15, 2010 4:31:27 PM via web

Pray for Grace: Sunday Update Sunday, August 15, 2010 12:43:16 PM via web

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Update

Since yesterday afternoon, Grace has had 9 ounces of formula total, and she has not had any problems at all. This is such great news! She has also continued to steadily gain weight and is back up to over 14 pounds. She still has a long way before she's back on the growth charts, but we are thankful for the gains. She is starting to look like a chubby baby again. Please pray that she continues to tolerate the formula!

As Grace takes in more formula, they will cut back on the TPN until they eventually do away with it completely. Hopefully, cutting back on TPN will make her more hungry, because 1-2 ounces at a time is not going to be enough in the long run. She will need around 30 ounces a day to get back up to a more age-appropriate weight. They may not wait until she is up to that amount for us to leave the hospital, but she is going to have to work up to that pretty quickly. Please pray that Grace will continue to increase the amount of formula she is willing to drink in one feeding!

Right now, Grace will only drink from a syringe. I want her to use a sippy cup (she will not use the bottle, so we are not going to push that), but I am willing to use the syringe for now, if that will get her to drink! She will drink from a syringe while sucking her thumb. I guess that makes it seem more like breastfeeding to her??

They are still watching for possible infection, and we are hoping that we will not have to extend our stay at the hospital to deal with something like that. She is on antibiotics, and hopefully that is taking care of it. Please pray that infection would not be an issue in any way!

God is answering prayers, and we are so thankful!

Twitter Feed

Poor baby HATES this stinky formula, doesn't want more than an oz at a time. Good news: It's not making her sick! #fb Saturday, August 14, 2010 8:33:32 PM via web

We're up to 2 1/2 oz total so far in the last 3 hrs, and I think she's got more energy already! Playing and talking in her bed :) #fb Saturday, August 14, 2010 6:00:31 PM via web

Pray for Grace: Oh, Brother! Saturday, August 14, 2010 4:39:04 PM via web

Pray for Grace: Dinner Time Saturday, August 14, 2010 4:30:27 PM via web

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh, Brother!

The grandparents brought Knox and Owen to visit today, and Grace was so excited to see them!
Posted by Picasa

Dinner Time

So, yesterday was the long-awaited, much-anticipated E-day. (E is for EAT.) After some discussion among Grace's team about the best thing to start her on, they decided to go with GI's recommendation of Pedialyte. We were a little disappointed with that decision, as we were hoping to get her started on formula ASAP. Well, she tried the Pedialyte, the orange kind and the clear kind and was not having any of it, not with a sippy cup, not with a syringe. (She never would take a bottle before all this, and we don't see any sense in teaching her to use a bottle at this age.) After a few unsuccessful attempts, we tried to get the doctor on call to go ahead and put in an order for formula, but it was after hours. He wouldn't override her doctors' orders. Basically, a wasted day. Boo!
"OK, I'll try this."

Today, she finally got to drink some formula! However, the doctors didn't round until 10:30, and it took forever to get the formula ordered and ready (it's some special, super-gentle concoction -- already broken down into amino acids to save the intestines some work.) So...another half-day wasted. She is supposed to increase by one ounce every hour for the first three feedings. For her first two feedings, she has taken about half an ounce willingly with a syringe and the other half ounce has been a struggle. Forget the second ounce she was supposed to get at her second feeding! She would not have it. It is good that she is willing to take any at all. That's a step in the right direction, but if she does not take enough by mouth, then they will have to put an NG tube back in. We don't want that to have to happen, so please pray that she will continue to want more and more by mouth! So far, she seems to be tolerating it well. No fussiness and no diaper explosions. The plan is to increase feeds and decrease TPN until she can be totally weaned from TPN.

In other news...I tweeted yesterday that they may have detected a staph infection, probably related to Grace's PICC line. They do at least three cultures to confirm -- the first was positive, second negative, third still out -- but they went ahead and started her on an antibiotic last night. So far, she doesn't seem to be experiencing any problems related to that. She actually slept better last night than she has in several days (and I did, too!) Praying that it is not staph, because, if it is, they will probably go ahead and pull her PICC line, which means a new IV and more sticks for bloodwork when needed. (Right now, they can draw blood from her PICC.)

Grace is looking better and better. More color, more alertness, more willingness to sleep alone and to sit alone to read books and play with toys. Her progress has been encouraging! We are so stinkin' tired of living at the Children's Hospital, but it is easier to handle when we feel like she is getting better. We have continued to be so, so, so blessed by so many sweet friends (and even strangers) bringing us food and other things, sending us care packages. Most importantly, we have been so blessed by your prayers! I have said it before, and I'll say it again: Your prayers are sustaining us!!! We are doing better than you might expect. But, we will be so happy when we finally get to go home!

One huge bright spot in this whole ordeal has been getting to spend time with my Birmingham friends that I hardly ever get to see. These are some of my dearest college friends that I was blessed to have a night out with on Thursday. Mary Beth came down from Murfreesboro and was a huge help and encouragement to me. While she was here, Justin headed to Montgomery to have a "Man Day" with the boys and give my mom a break. All good diversions from what has become our usual routine here at the hospital.

Thanks so much for reading our updates and praying for Grace!

Twitter Feed

Drank one oz of formula! Not from sippy cup but with syringe while sucking her thumb. Didn't love it but tolerated it. Next oz soon. #fb Saturday, August 14, 2010 2:50:59 PM via web

Fun visit from the boys and my parents this morning. I have missed them so much! Grace was happy to see them, too. Saturday, August 14, 2010 2:46:21 PM via web

Yay for relatively good sleep! Weight is up, antibiotics taken, hoping docs will do formula this AM. Playing w toys in her bed right now #fb Saturday, August 14, 2010 8:08:12 AM via web

Pedialyte is not happening. Tried sippy and opened wide for syringe but quit after one sip. Hoping to go straight to formula tomorrow! #fb Friday, August 13, 2010 8:48:08 PM via web

Bad news: blood cultures indicate Grace MAY have a staph infection. Has to start antibiotics and will pull PICC line if staph confirmed. #fb 3:34 PM Aug 13th via web

Clear pedialyte not a hit either :(. Letting her nap then trying again. This is not going how I'd hoped! #fb 3:28 PM Aug 13th via web

Tried orange Pedialyte in a sippy cup...not a fan. Trying clear Pedialyte next, whenever they get it ordered. Trying to be patient... #fb 2:46 PM Aug 13th via web

Still running fever off and on, praying it goes away. Will take something by mouth today, will start very slowly. Hoping all goes well! #fb 9:20 AM Aug 13th via web

Grace only lasted about an hour in her bed. Rough night. BUT, I am happy to say I did not drool on her head. #fb 9:18 AM Aug 13th via web

Going to sleep now bc Grace is asleep in crib. Hope she stays there all night, so I won't drool on her head like I did last night! LOL. #fb 9:32 PM Aug 12th via web

Grace gets to eat tomorrow! Pray for 1. complete healing of intestines, no diarrhea 2. that she would LOVE formula and the sippy cup. #fb 9:29 PM Aug 12th via web

Had an awesome night out with 3 of my best friends tonight. So thankful for those girls! #fb 9:01 PM Aug 12th via web

Mmm...@chickfila sure beats hospital food! So thankful 4 sweet friends who brought us our favorite food for lunch today (and yesterday!) #fb 1:03 PM Aug 12th via web

Sooooo excited to see my BFF in less than 1 hour! 10:22 AM Aug 12th via web

Ran some fever last night, hopefully it's nothing (could be teething), but running some bloodwork just to be sure. Pray it's nothing! #fb 10:22 AM Aug 12th via web

Smiles and Prayer Requests...Pray for Grace: Happier Times 9:46 AM Aug 12th via web